Our TRITON Plus TIMS Instrument. Photo credit: EESL
We operate a ThermoScientific TRITON Plus multi-collector thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS). The instrument was installed in summer 2015 and is currently in use for high-precision Rb-Sr geochronology of metamorphic mineral phases and deformation fabrics. Microsampling of key phase assemblages is performed using a New Wave Micromill. The TRITON's detector block configuration includes an extra large L5 Faraday, ideally suited for 40Ca collection. We are currently measuring Sr to sub-permille precision and plan to establish Sm-Nd geochronology and Ca isotope measurements in the near future. The TIMS laboratory is a part of the Laboratory for Isotopes and Metals in the Environment (LIME).
Contact Andy Smye (smye@psu.edu) if you would like to use the instrument.
NewWave Micromill for in-situ sampling of thin sections.
Rb-Sr isochron for an Alpine blueschist
LA-ICP-MS laboratory; photo credit, EESL
The Laboratory for Isotopes & Metals in the Environment houses two Thermo X-Series II Quadruple ICP-MS (SBM & MFM models) equipped with Collision Cell technology and a New Wave UP-213 Laser Ablation system for solid sample analysis. We use these instruments for in-situ analysis of minor and trace element abundances in metamorphic and igneous mineral phases. We are developing depth-profiling protocols to measure concentration profiles at sub-micron spatial resolution.
The LA-ICPMS laboratory is operated by EESL - see here for more information.
Neptune Plus MC-ICP-MS. Image credit: EESL
LIME also houses a Thermo Neptune Plus MC-ICP-MS instrument. By combining a plasma sample introduction system with a high-resolution mass spectrometer the Neptune is capable measuring isotope systems traditionally unavailable to other mass spectrometers. We are currently using the Neptune to measure Rb isotopic concentrations and Li isotopic ratios in metamorphic rocks. Dr Matt Fantle's group have established protocols for high throughput analysis of Li, Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, and U isotopes.
The LA-ICPMS laboratory is operated by EESL - see here for more information.
The mass spectrometers mentioned above are served by a clean laboratory suite designed for sample preparation prior to isotopic analysis. More details can be found on the LIME website. The clean suite was installed in 2011 and contains a Class 10,000 machine room, Class 10,000 outer cleanroom (8 ft TFI Inline perchloric hood and 8 ft TFI Inline all-plastic hood), and a Class 1,000 inner cleanroom with an 8 ft TFI Inline exhausting laminar flow hood and a 6 ft laminar flow workbench. The MIL is equipped to perform acid digestions of silicate rocks (including perchloric acid digestions), as well as acid distillation, acid washing, and ion exchange chromatographic purification of natural samples.
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AxioImager A2.m and camera system
Optical petrography is undertaken using a Zeiss AxioImager A2.m polarizing microsope. The scope, installed in 2017, has x2.5, x10, x20 and x50 objectives and an AxioCam 105 color camera system.
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